Have you ever gotten to the point where you feel like life is on super hectic auto-pilot?
A typical day:
Kids go to school from 7:30am - 3:00pm
Come home, snack, rest/naptime.
Quick dinner then rush off to the kid’s practice / games
Lauren heads to photoshoot during the “golden hour (sunset)
Get home, shower, get ready for bed, sleep
Randomly insert a social activity / church event / typical adult responsibility, and our week was completely booked before it even started. We started feeling the burnout, and even though we were almost always together, we felt like we were missing our kids growing up.
Our schedule was full of GREAT things, full of fun things, full of great people…but it was full. All the time.
“how cool would it be to hit the reset button on our life, and travel the country for a year as a family?”
Normally, thoughts like that are just that, fun things to think about. But while hanging out in the neighborhood pool one Summer day in July, that fun “thought” really stuck with us.
Read more about Why We Decided To Become Full-Time RVers
We officially made the decision to travel full time in August, 2018, with the goal to be on the road by November 5, 2018…and we made it happen! We found a renter for our house, sold two cars and 90% of our things, researched and found a great truck and RV (2014 Ford F-350 Turbo Diesel / 2016 Coachmen Chaparral 390sqmb), and took off!
Read more about How To Pick The Right RV
We started documenting this journey while in the planning stages
…and we haven’t stopped documenting! We post to Instagram every day, and we blog about every stop we make and any tips we have:
…in hopes of inspiring others to take an adventurous leap of their own….whatever that adventure might look like!
By getting rid of most of our possessions and hitting the reset button on our commitments, we have been able to focus more on our kids and making life-long memories with each other. We are seeing friends and family that we haven’t seen in years. We are making new friends from all over the United States. Our goal to live larger with less is now a reality.
At the 6 month mark of being on the road, we announced that our initial one year plan had been extended. Until when? Who knows. We’re loving this lifestyle way too much to put an end date on it. There is way too much to see to rush through the country for a year. We are now just living life one day at a time and having a blast seeing new opportunities come up and meeting new people all the time!
As we travel around the country, we look forward to hearing YOUR recommendations for the “must-see” spots in this great nation, as well as meeting up with lots of friends and family we haven’t seen in a while along the way!
Prayer, planning, and determination are fueling this dream. We hope you join us on this exciting journey!
Are you a full-time RV traveler?
We would love to hear from you! Say a quick “hey” in the form below. Maybe one day we’ll even get to be friends IRL