Making Money On The Road

How a family of four makes a living while traveling full-time in an RV.


We often get asked how we make money on the road. It seems that there are thousands of people that want to have the freedom and lifestyle that traveling full time in an RV brings, but they are tied down by their work situation. In this short article, we hope to bring some hope to your dream of traveling full-time (and maybe even a few practical ideas!)

We both can work remotely, which allows us to live in an RV and travel around the US! 

Aaron started his own company, AG Marketing Collective, in April of 2018.
He builds websites and helps small businesses with their marketing. Everything from social media marketing (Facebook & Instagram ads), design (logos, presentations, social posts), email marketing and SEO. (Feel free to reach out if you could use his services! He loves to chat and brainstorm about ideas.)

Where he works: Our RV master bedroom doubles as his office. He has a fold down desk in the corner where his second monitor is stationed. He doesn’t always work from there though. On nice days he sometimes works outside, sitting on a camping chair, or inside the truck (it’s quieter than the RV sometimes). Sometimes he likes to get away and spend time in local coffee shops working there. He can really set up shop wherever he wants as long as he has wifi!

His clients are all over the US, and he communicates with them through phone calls, email, and video chats. Basically, he just needs an internet connection and he’s good to go. We have Starlink, which has been so nice and kept us connected even in the most remote places.

I had a photography business back in GA before we left to travel.
I did portrait, lifestyle and event photography. Since I was leaving my local clients behind, I wasn’t sure what “working” for me would look like on the road. We had started up a blog shortly before we took off, and I knew I’d be writing and creating content for that, as well as homeschool and planning our travel route and booking campground stays, so I figured that would keep me plenty busy. 

I worked on taking quality photos for our blog and Instagram, and we started building quite a following right away. We had several brands reach out wanting to partner with us, which was really cool and we enjoyed the perks (free items) that came along with that! We now have a media kit and charge a fee if a brand wants to work together. Brand deals have become a regular source of income for us, and we provide different types of content for brands such as creating social media posts, writing sponsored blog posts on our website, licensing photos and making videos.

I took a course that really taught me all the ins and outs of partnering with brands, monetizing my social media accounts and essentially getting paid to travel! It’s a perfectly laid out roadmap of the steps to take to doing exactly what I do, and you can watch a free webinar HERE with some great information and then decide if you want to pursue this and purchase the entire masterclass.

The latest income stream we’ve found is buying/selling/trading cryptocurrency! This has been a really exciting thing to learn about and get started with, and has been lucrative for us so far! You can learn about the details of how this has worked for us HERE.

There are some seasonal jobs that you can travel to and work for a few weeks or a few months, and Aaron tried one of those out by working the Michigan Beet Harvest! You can read about that experience HERE. For more examples of seasonal work, check out this article.

There are actually a LOT of ways to make money on the road, and I compiled a list for anyone interested!

  • Travel nurse

  • Writer

  • Tutor/online teacher

  • Remote office assistant

  • Customer service/support

  • Editor

  • Content auditor

  • Graphics creator

  • Project manager

  • Transcriber

  • Computer programer

  • Ecommerce manager

  • Job recruiter

  • Virtual assistant

  • Reservation sales rep

  • Mobile RV tech/mechanic

Do you work on the road while traveling full time? What do you do? Share in the comments and maybe you’ll inspire someone!