The Wanderpreneurs - A Full Time RV Family Travel Blog

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The 5 Most Useful Tech Gadgets For Your RV

RV technology has come a long way in recent years,
so we’ve compiled a list of the top RV tech items that will make your travels easier!

1. RV GPS With Back Up Camera

If you’ve been RVing for any amount of time, you know how tough it can be to maneuver when trying to back in. There’s nothing better than an RV back up camera to assist you with this daunting task! The GPS is also specifically for RVs, which is amazing. You enter in the dimensions of your rig, and the GPS will make sure your route doesn’t include obstacles your rig can’t handle, such as narrow roads or low bridges. You can buy an RV GPS and back up camera separately, but we like the Garmin RV 770 LMT-S because it combines both products, and gets great reviews!

We originally wrote this article for RV Repair Club. You can read about the rest of the 5 Most Useful Tech Gadgets For Your RV HERE.